The QiRanger Adventures

Archive for June 19th, 2009

Getting older…

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I find that these days I am starting to feel my age. It’s a sad realization that I’m not to happy about. A few days ago I mentioned how I was not able to run as easily as I once had. In fact, the best I’ve been able to do is muster a 14 minute run at 7mph. So I decided to scale it back to just over 6mph… and what do I find? I can easily run 20-25 minutes at that pace.

It’s a shame, since only a month ago I was running a full 5k at 7mph, but it appears that a month off has really killed my system. It’s going to take some time for me to get into running shape again. That being said, I am now running that 20-25 minutes each day and then putting in a full work out as always 5 times a week, and that feels great!

I’ve also recently uncovered another unfortunate side effect of getting a bit older… the inability to drink alcohol. Now I’m not saying that I can no longer hold my liquor, but rather than the amount of alcohol in one beer severely disrupts my sleeping patters. I love sleep. I don’t like going to bed after a beer, only to wake up a few hours later. Then once awake, not be able to return to slumber for a number of hours… and that sleep be of a poor quality. As a result… when I finally do wake up in the morning, it takes forever to get started again.

So I want to know, what things can you no longer do that you were once able to achieve 10-15 years ago?

Written by Steve Miller

June 19, 2009 at 7:49 pm